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The Exploited ide dalje - ipak koncert u Vintageu u nedjelju

Wattie je izrazio želju da bend nastavi s turnejom bez njega, što su podržali i svi klubovi koji su dogovorili koncert na ovoj turneji

The Exploited stižu i bez Wattieja
The Exploited stižu i bez Wattieja (Vintage Industrial Bar)
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The Casualties


Vintage Industrial Bar


The Exploited


Code Red



Nakon službenog odgovora menadžmenta The Exploiteda, potvrđujemo da će se koncert The Exploited / The Casualties / Code Red održati u nedjelju 23. travnja u zagrebačkom Vintage Industrial Baru kao podrška pjevaču Wattieju, koji je prošli vikend u Belgiji hospitaliziran i ne može nastaviti turneju.

Wattie je izrazio želju da bend nastavi s turnejom bez njega, što su podržali i svi klubovi koji su dogovorili koncert na ovoj turneji. Wattija će za mikrofonom mijenjati članovi The Casualtiesa i Code Reda.

Cijena karte u preprodaji iznosi 90 kuna dok će na dan koncerta iznositi 110 kuna, a nabaviti ih možete Kavezu i Vintage Industrialu (Savska cesta 160) te u Dirty Old Shopu (Tratinska 18).

Napomena: Ukoliko zbog novonastale situacije ipak želite vratiti ulaznice za koncert The Exploiteda, to možete napraviti na mjestima na kojima ste kupili ulaznice u periodu do četvrtka 20. travnja.

U cjelosti prenosimo izjavu Wattievog brata Wullieja, ujedno i bubnjara The Exploiteda:

Hi there,

Wullie the drummer from The Exploited here - also brother of Wattie.

Unfortunately Wattie was rushed to hospital in Belgium after complaining of feeling ill.

After being examined by doctors we now know that wattie was very close to death and his heart could have stopped at any minute.

Wattie would like us to continue with the tour as he does not want to dissapoint the fans or promotors who have supported us for many years.

I agreed along with the rest of the band to do this, even though it is a difficult time for us obviously worried about Watties health. We have already played a concert like this with the remaining members of the band as well as members of the Casualties and crew. Not only this but we also involved the audience and with the crowds participation, we feel this worked very well.


The Exploited

Podržite Wattia! Punk's Not Dead!


21.04.2017. 13:29:00
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